Our Events Calendar will vary from year to year and includes member and public events

Friday, April 19,
through to May 17, 2024
An exhibition of current works by members.
Usually runs one month.
Opening night and exhibition open to the public. Gold coin donation welcome.
See Workshops page for information on upcoming public workshopping events
October 11 - November 8. 2024
A regional art prize with a reach of 250km radius around Kimba. Deemed 'Spencer Gulf Region'. Categories include 2 and 3D art, textural and digital art. A successful Art Prize Event in 2021, with over a third of the entries achieving sales. Participating artists from across regional SA. Click on the links above for Info and entry Forms.
$6 250 in prize monies !!


'Emotions' by Philip Lewis, Winner, Hummock Hill Art Prize 2021, sponsored by Whyalla City Council.
'Cuttlefish Sway' by Paul Ellins, winner, Industrial Art Prize, 2021, sponsored by Whyalla Art Group.
'Through the Flowers', by Justine Vlachoulis. winner, Young Emerging Artist Award, 2021, sponsored by Rotary Club of Whyalla.